Apply for Building Permission
Citizen seeking residential building permission up to G+2 up
to a plot area of 670 sq. meters within Guwahati Metropolitan
Area under the Mukhya Mantrir Sohoj Griha Niraman
Achoni(MMSGNA) will have to apply through the online portal www.sewasetu.assam.gov.in
from 04/06/2022 onward instead of www.mmsgna.in

Cancellation cum Reapply
Building Permission
Cancellation cum Reapply of Building Permission Service Upto
Ground+2 Storied Under Mukhya Mantrir Sohoj Griha Nirman
Achoni is available for the correction of already issued
building permission through sewasetu Portal. If there is any
mistake while issuing PP/BP, applicants will have to apply
fresh through the online portal www.sewasetu.assam.gov.in

Intimation of Commencement
lntimation for commencement
of construction for the building permission issued under
Mukhya Mantrir Sohoj Griha Niraman Achoni(MMSGNA) can be made

Apply for Plinth Level Approval
Citizen seeking for Plinth
Level approval for the building permission issued under Mukhya
Mantrir Sohoj Griha Niraman Achoni(MMSGNA) can apply.

Renew Building
Citizen seeking for renewal
of the building permission issued under Mukhya Mantrir Sohoj
Griha Niraman Achoni(MMSGNA) can apply online.

Completion cum Occupancy
Citizen can apply for the
Occupancy Certificate against the building permission issued
under the Mukhya Mantrir Sohoj Griha Niraman Achoni(MMSGNA).


Apply for renewal of the building permission or
occupancy certificate
Building permission applied
in www.mmsgna.in
- Citizen who have applied building permission through the portal www.mmsgna.in can use the same username and password for login
- Click here to Login
Building permission applied
in www.sewasetu.assam.gov.in
- Citizen who have applied building permission through the portal www.sewasetu.assam.gov.in has to register using the same mobile number used in Sewa Setu portal
- Click here to register
State Level Coordinating Officer
Shri Hrishiraj Sarma
Assistant Director
Town & Country Planning, Assam, Dispur, Guwahati-06
Contact No: 98646 25481
Assistant Director
Town & Country Planning, Assam, Dispur, Guwahati-06
Contact No: 98646 25481
District Level Coordinating